The Quantum Age of Marketing in the Artificial Intelligence World: Quantum Marketing

The Quantum Age of Marketing in the Artificial Intelligence World: Quantum Marketing

What exactly is meant by the Quantum Age? How has the evolution of marketing occurred in this era?

What is drag and drop technology and how does it work?

What is drag and drop technology and how does it work?

The drag-and-drop technology has been developed to simplify software development processes and allow users to design applications without requiring complex

Usage areas and transformative role of No-code technology<br>in various sectors

Usage areas and transformative role of No-code technology
in various sectors

In today’s world, technological innovations take center stage with the aim of making business processes more efficient and accelerating application

A new working area for software developers: No-code platforms

A new working area for software developers: No-code platforms

It seems that software developers, who dance with codes, will take a break from this dance with the contribution of

Human – process relation in enterprises

Human – process relation in enterprises

Even the most advanced business process management (BPM) system, cannot operate without human interaction. The number of fully automatable processes vary

Why Low-code is the future of software development?

Why Low-code is the future of software development?

Have you designed a website in the 2000s? It may reveal my age but I did! My first website was

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