
The role of big data in our lives is becoming more evident every day. With each passing day, individuals and institutions enhance their ability to adapt to technological changes more quickly. Although we sometimes feel left behind during the adaptation process, we have taken significant steps to overcome this with the opportunities provided by big data. Now, we can predict the evolution of technologies in advance and respond with greater flexibility. As learning organizations, we are able to shape our strategic decisions more effectively with the resources provided by big data.

Big data refers to massive datasets obtained from digital platforms such as the internet, mobile devices, and social media. It is not only crucial to collect this data, but also to analyze it in a timely manner and transform it into strategic actions. For example, the annual reports published by the digital marketing agency “We Are Social” offer comprehensive global data on social media usage. According to the 2024 report, out of the world’s 8.08 billion people, 5.61 billion are mobile users, 5.35 billion are internet users, and 5.04 billion are social media users. Specifically for Turkey, 80.69 million out of 86.04 million people are mobile users, 74.41 million are internet users, and 57.50 million are active social media users.



This wealth of data enables companies to develop rapid strategies and boost their potential. The opportunities provided by big data empower decision-making processes by granting access to all kinds of information needed. Additionally, cloud technology has revolutionized the storage of big data. Thanks to the cloud, companies can store their data more efficiently, reduce costs, and scale their operations. Cloud technology also ensures that individuals and organizations can access the necessary information anytime they need. The Internet of Things (IoT) enhances communication between data-collecting devices, increasing efficiency. Each new development in IoT contributes to our goal of creating a sustainable and secure world. When combined with technologies like big data, artificial intelligence, and 5G, the cloud opens up new opportunities for smart industries.

“6G technology will make a rapid entrance into our lives in 2030!” On the commercial front, 6G will launch in 2030, increasing data processing speeds by 100 times. This advancement will bring revolutionary results in deep learning and big data analysis.

Today, the integration of neurological research with big data and artificial intelligence has broadened the scope of data collection. Studies utilizing neuromorphic computing allow artificial intelligence to better analyze the human factor. Modeling the neural structures of the human brain enhances technological efficiency and promotes energy savings.

In conclusion, innovations such as big data, cloud technology, IoT, 6G, and neuromorphic computing are profoundly transforming our strategic decision-making processes in today’s world. These changes present new opportunities and avenues for growth for both individuals and organizations.







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