New Uses and Features;
- In E-Flow Designer application, the option to start the process by following Office 365 mails has been added to the E-Mail Control component.
- New additions were made to company parameters;
- The first version number of a document created in the DMS module can be set parametrically as 0 or 1.
- E-Signature Document Type parameter has been added to determine the document types to be E-Signed in DMS module.
- GPT Model and CHAT GPT Key parameters have been added for using Vudy SQL Assistant in E-Flow Designer application.
- E-Signature feature has been added to E-Flow in processes, lists and DMS module.
- E-Signature option was added to the document data element in E-Flow Designer application.
- Thanks to the document data element with E-Signature feature in the task forms, users will be able to sign the document they upload using the E-Signature portal.
- Thanks to the document data element with E-Signature feature for Lists and Sub-lists, users will be able to sign the document they uploaded using the E-Signature portal.
- Document signing (E-Signature) option has been added to DMS module.
- With the E-Signature process applied to the document in the DMS module, the information about which document the user has signed is recorded. In the File History section of the document’s Details window, users’ signature information is shown.
- Artificial intelligence supported OCR feature was added to E-Flow in processes, lists and DMS module.
- OCR technology was integrated into the document data element in the E-Flow Designer application.
- Thanks to the OCR-defined document data element in task forms, lists and sub-lists, the uploaded invoice or receipt documents were read and automatically filled in the matching data elements.
- In case the OCR document uploaded in task forms, lists and sub-lists and whose information is filled in the data elements is canceled, the auto-filled form values are cleared with user approval.
- In DMS module, Form Element features has been added to scan invoice or receipt with OCR feature and transfer to related data fields. After the form elements are created and the necessary matches are made, the information in the scanned invoices and receipts will be read with the OCR feature and the information will be automatically transferred to the relevant data fields.
- It has been ensured that invoice or receipt items belonging to the document uploaded to the OCR folder with invoice or receipt definition in the DMS module are saved by OCR analysis.
- When the document scanned with OCR feature in DMS module is opened in Preview mode, invoice and receipt items are also displayed.
- When the OCR or Form folder is copied/pasted to another location in the DMS module, the documents contained in the relevant folder and the form element data saved in the documents are also copied.
- Document-based version upload system to DMS module The form data of the document is also recorded on a version basis.
- In the DMS module, work was done to store the document form data in the relevant DMS_INST tables on the database side.
- In the DMS module, the user who has “Can Edit” authorization on the document and folder can list and edit the form elements of that document or folder.
- In the DMS module, the “Frequently Used Documents” field on the Home screen shows 10 documents according to the most viewed document ranking.
- By using the Pivot table feature in the DMS module, other versions of the document were listed.
- Authorizations were made in the documents on the Processes screen in the DMS module.
- DMS substructural changes were made to increase speed performance.
- In DMS module, “CANCEL” watermark was added to the non-default versions of PDF documents. The feature that the canceled version cannot be made default has been added.
- A new design has been added on the task detail page where Initiator / Assignee information will appear.
- Loading page design has been added to list structures.
- Top-up infrastructure added.
- Dashboards were added to E-Flow mobile application.
- Dashboards and Reports service was written for E-Flow mobile application.
- Added parameter calling endpoint on E-Flow mobile side.
- Improvements were made for Dms on the mobile API side.
- Improvements were made in the API for Mobile Dashboards.
- The notification feature for Android devices was organized using Google Apis infrastructure.
- E-Flow Workflow Service performance improvements were made.
- Kanban structure and design were revised.
- Plus button was added in Kanban view.
- SignDocument() function was added to the Calculate component in E-Flow Designer application. It requires the document with e-signature feature to be signed.
- ConvertHtmlToPdf() function was added to the Calculate component in the E-Flow Designer application to convert the HTML extension document to PDF.
Bug Fix;
Bug fixes in E-Flow Designer and web interface;
- The error of FindSuperVisor() function not working has been fixed.
- In the Iterative DB Scan component, the problem of not seeing the database in the Data Source selection and not running the relevant query has been fixed.
- Fixed the timezone error in editing date data elements on the Process Status page.
- Fixed the error that the uploaded txt extension file was uploaded empty (0 kb) when only txt extension was selected from the “Valid Extensions” section of the document data element.
- Fixed the problem that when only jpeg extension is selected in the “Valid Extensions” section of the document data element, jpeg extension files cannot be uploaded and Undefined warning is received.
- The problem of not deleting from the database when a document is deleted in the process has been fixed.
- Fixed the problem with numeric data element brackets.
- The pdf creation problem experienced in processes using the report component has been fixed.
- Fixed the problem that the selected data cannot be removed in dropdown type columns in LineItemTable data element.
- Performance optimization was made in the task list.
- The error that the Work button of the users selected as Report Submission in the users assigned a task form does not appear passive has been fixed.
- Work was done to make the list component work with Kanban cards.
- Fixed the error of not reading the last excel data when the same excel file is loaded 2 times in a row with drag and drop to the LineItemTable data element.
- After selecting List and Action in the Update List component, the error that the same List and Action selection cannot be made in a different process has been fixed.
- Fixed the error related to multiplexing of task notification reminder mails.
- Fixed the error that the list is used by Admin in Designer application.
Error corrections made in DMS module;
- The error received while previewing process documents has been fixed.
- The integer overflow problem when calculating the folder size has been fixed.
- The problem of getting an error if the document name contains more than one “ .” (dot) has been fixed.
- Appearance improvements have been made on the screen where the data of the form elements of the document are entered.
- The error of some options appearing in Turkish in different language options has been fixed.
- The problem of the document upload window not opening when clicking on the Upload New Version option in the documents on the Shared with Me page has been fixed.
- Fixed the issue that the Favorites title does not appear in Turkish in all languages.
- Fixed the error of displaying documents with csv extension.
- Fixed the integer overflow problem when calculating the folder size.
Lists module bug fixes;
- Performance optimization was made in the lists structure.
- Line line disappearance error in table view has been fixed.
- Sorting feature incorrect working situations have been fixed.
- Fixed the error of opening an empty form when pressing the + Add button in lists.
- The error of appearing on the screen even if the priority or status data element is not selected in a list with the Sub List feature has been fixed.
- In the lists sublist data connection structure, the error that the value field appears instead of the text of the dropdown on the process sublist screen has been fixed.
- The inability to preview for the authorization of Viewing Records and Reviewing Records in Lists and the warning that there is no authorization has been fixed.
- General design arrangements were made in Kanban structure.
- An arrangement was made to log the cards in Kanban to the SYS_LOG table when moving between blocks with drag and drop operation.
- Authorization arrangement was made in Kanban drag and drop structure.
- Fixed the error that status is not updated with the Calculate function when a record is opened in Kanban using the list component.
- In Kanban structure, the error of not updating the status field with the Update List component has been fixed.
- Fixed the error related to defining authorization for drag and drop in Kanban structure.
- After adding a record to the list, when the process is started with the List component, it has been ensured that the Save button does not appear on the list record until the related process is terminated.
- The numeric data sent from the mobile app to the API has been organized so that it is always in the same format.